Essential non-essential Drupal module

Yes – we all know about the essential modules; Views, Rules, Webform, pathauto etc. But I’m going to add in here any other modules which slip under the normal radar and which are useful additions for the average Drupal dev. Starting off with: Special menu...

Sending a scripts output to a log file

Thought I’d post this link as it took a bit of digging. If you need to create scripts for other users to use they need it to be as simple as possible – so no using ;script’ etc. You may also need to see what the output of their scripts are in case an...

Decrypting GPG files on Xubuntu

Just a quick one. We’re all missing FireGPG – and would love to have it back. In the meantime – I have set up Emacs to be able to encrypt and decrypt GPG files by using EasyPG. I can’t remember exactly now...