Bit of a strange one this…
Obviously, there are tons of articles around about running commands as root without a password prompt. But I wanted to run a command as another user and also not have a password prompt.
So in sudoers I had
root ALL=(ALL) ALL
The strange thing was that if I ran:
$ sudo ls
it worked fine. But if I ran
$ sudo -u anotheraccount ls
I was prompted for my password.
The key to working this out was the command
$ sudo -l
which gave me:
kbailey@benelli2:~$ sudo -l
Matching Defaults entries for kbailey on this host:
User kbailey may run the following commands on this host:
So it turns out that if you don’t specify a user then it defaults to root.
The answer was to add specific lines for each user – like this:
root ALL=(ALL) ALL
%sudo ALL = (beta) NOPASSWD : ALL
%sudo ALL = (deploy) NOPASSWD : ALL
%sudo ALL = (livecopy) NOPASSWD : ALL
This is not really clear anywhere in the man pages – and Googling just finds posts about running commands as root without the password prompt.
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